I am honored to serve on Raleigh City Council. I love District D and the people across our city. I hope to earn your support for another term in November. Join us for a campaign kick-off on Monday, May 13th at 5 pm at Player’s Retreat. RSVP HERE.

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Community Engagement
All voices should be at the table.


Let’s ensure everyone can call Raleigh home.


We must take care of our environment.

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I care about you and our city. Let’s work together to invest in our community and help everyone thrive.

I want to reimagine Raleigh with you. I see the potential for a city in which participation is truly inclusive. I see a more balanced future in which we tip the scales in favor of the people and planet.

What do you see?


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Community Engagement: City decisions should be community centered. We must recognize the voices of the most affected groups, including historically marginalized communities and impacted neighbors. I served as co-chair of the West Raleigh CAC (Community Advocacy Council), bringing attention to proposed rezonings, land use changes, and neighbor needs in District D. We need forums like CACs and neighborhood associations to convene across the city, sharing information and developing leadership capacity to bring the best ideas forward. I actively engage with residents about the issues that matter to them most.

Affordable Housing: As the city grows, we can’t leave people behind. I support initiatives to help residents stay in their homes, as well as community benefit agreements for new developments that provide affordable housing. I am an active member of the ONE Wake coalition, a group of 40+ faith based organizations that advocates for affordable housing, living wage jobs, and quality education throughout Wake County. I understand market forces and recognize we have the power to shape them.

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Environmental Stewardship: We need to take the long view to care for our environment. We all benefit from clean air and water, parks for recreation, and beautiful places to take a pause. I am committed to protecting our waterways and greenspaces. I advocate for investments in our natural amenities and improvements to transit infrastructure to reduce fossil fuel dependence. I am a strong voice for climate adaptation. We must act to reduce flooding and heat waves, and protect our tree canopy. We have a duty to be environmental stewards and share our abundance with the next generation.

map of Raleigh City Council Districts


I serve District D (southwest Raleigh), shown in blue on the map. District D neighborhoods include Avent West, Boylan Heights, Forest Park, Village District, Caraleigh, Carolina Pines, Dorothea Dix Park, Glenwood South, Lake Johnson, Meredith College, Method, NC State University, Oberlin Village, Renaissance Park, Tryon, Umstead, University Park, and Westover, among others.

One of the things I love about Raleigh is that our neighbors are from every walk of life. Some families are many generations deep here, bringing important history and wisdom to community conversations. Others are recent immigrants and transplants, sharing knowledge of other places and cultures. My family is similarly diverse. My step-parents are from Taiwan and Guyana, respectively, whereas my parents’ families have roots in southern Ohio and Appalachia. I’m excited to welcome my new sister-in-law Samira to the family. She recently finished her Ph.D. at NC State but grew up in India. We have a culturally rich community in District D, and that makes me feel at home.

“Jane does more than lip service on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. She has been a consistent advocate to embed these values in our daily work, and brings needed authenticity to our advisory committee. She compelled our staff to say more, do more, to push.”

-Nicole Wilkinson McIntosh, Former Coordinator, NC Water Resources Research Institute/Raleigh resident

Looking forward to meet you!

photo of Jane talking to a neighbor


With me, you get an experienced economic and community development leader. You get an educator and environmental scientist. I have a background in natural resource management, data-driven decision-making, and community organizing. I can navigate complex bureaucracies, and I rely on my scientific training to stay curious and open to different points of view. I work to build consensus and coalitions.

In my professional life, I work as the coastal economics specialist for North Carolina Sea Grant, a NOAA program based at NC State University. I have a Ph.D. in natural resource management and a master’s degree in environmental and development economics.

My career in environmental research and policy has taught me how to tackle wicked problems and find common ground. I collaborate statewide with city planners and elected officials, private businesses, and residents to safeguard natural resources and make smart, long-term investments in infrastructure.

I’m an environmentalist and a proponent of economic growth in the public’s interest. Raleigh should pursue community development in which all residents are at the decision-making table.

I re-established the West Raleigh CAC (Community Advocacy Council) to be in communication with my neighbors. Better decisions are made when we have ample conversation and residents shape our city as it grows.

I support small businesses. I lead development of the NC Oyster Trail, which promotes local, sustainable seafood options. I understand the risks entrepreneurs take to create jobs and will advocate for their needs.

You can count on me to advance common sense, progressive policies. In 2019, I completed a successful campaign to guarantee eight weeks of paid parental leave – benefitting mothers and fathers after the birth or adoption of a child – for 30,000 UNC employees.

I am married to jazz guitarist Doug Sours, who teaches at Guru Guitars on Hillsborough Street (in District D). We have a young pup named Willow. I commute to work by bicycle – see you on the greenway!

“When Jane commits to an issue, she follows through and gets results. I worked alongside her to secure paid parental leave for University of North Carolina System employees at all 17 campuses.”

-Tracy Dixon, NC State University Paid Parental Leave Task Force Team Member/Raleigh resident

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